Monday, December 22, 2008

Prayer I wrote and read at Trinity Sunday Night.

Abba, Father, YHWH…
I ask that in this moment, those of us here in these pews tonight are able to be aware of your presence.
We thank you God for your scandalous nature. We thank you God for entrusting salvation in the belly of a teenage girl. We thank you God for becoming one of us, for entering the world as a baby, a crying, screaming baby, just like all of us have.
God may we like Mary understand the revolution which you have put within all of our bellies, The revolution of peace, love, and justice, the revolution known as… Jesus.
You dwell in us, just as you rested in Mary. This holiday season, I beg, I plead, that you free us from the commercialization, consumerism, and materialistic ideals which have watered down the celebration of your birth.
May we anticipate you instead of gifts!
May we anticipate your kingdom instead of the world’s kingdom!
May we anticipate your peace instead of the world’s peace!
May we anticipate the gospel more so then the flag!
May we anticipate the cross, the cross which destroys us and reclaims our humanity!
Father God may we, this holiday season… understand the significance of your coming into the world, that we recognize that nothing will ever be the same. That those in power will fall and the lowly will be lifted up, that those without a voice now have voice, that those who are deemed unclean are now clean, that those that were excluded are now included, that the unloved are now loved, that the weak are now strong, that the poor are now rich, that love is possible…may we understand that love is possible.
Father God may we, this holiday season…recognize how you burn with desire for relationship with us, so much so that you were born into this mess, that through being born into this mess you took on the burden of this mess and were nailed to a cross…for us. You became flesh, you got hungry, you got cold, you felt insults, and fists upon your face, you felt a mothers love, you felt abandonment, you felt a hug, you felt tears on your face, you laughed with us, cried with us, ate with us, stood up for us and suffered with us… you… died… for…us.
Father God, we thank you for you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.