Friday, March 7, 2008

Jesus for President.

Jesus for President...

A great book. These two, Haw and Claiborne... not sure how to spell names... do a fantastic job making a radical theology seem so simple. If you look in the back at the resources they used... some of those fellows and ladies are heavy hitters in the theological world.

If anyone that reads my blog has read it I would like to know what you think of it?

Pray for Jerusalem and Pakistan...

Pray for the snow to stop and the sun to shine...

Pray for the weapons of war to be melted into farming equipment....

Pray the leaders and the soon to be leaders be overcome with the revolutionary of G-d.... and cease to learn war....


anna said...

I am on Section Three: When the Empire got Baptized.

T5Guy said...

I have yet to buy it, but i will let you know after I have read it.

Roogles said...

I can't wait to read it, but promised Steve I would finish the NT Write book I'm working on before I started anything new.